Rear: Brake, Back-up, Tail, Turn signal (3 bulbs, all # 3157) To access the rear bulbs, open the liftgate and remove the two Phillips head screws from the side
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Auto Parts and Repairs
Why would a Ford Windstar stall at the stop sign especially in the warm weather?
Asked by Wiki User
Hey Kulwant==It is probably the idle speed motor not reacting when a load is placed on the engine. Sometimes you can remove them and clean them and they will be
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Auto Parts and Repairs
How do replace the power steering hose on a 2000 Durango?
Asked by Wiki User
I meant, how do you get the rubber line changed that goes up behind the back o the engine and around to the pump. There is a rubber line that joins the p/s rack
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Auto Parts and 센트립구매 Repairs
What are the cylinder numbers on gm 2.4L engine?
Asked by Wiki User
There should only be 4 cylinders and it should be paired up 1 and 3 then 2 and 4 on two difrent coil packs if it is a new car. if its an older car it should hav
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Auto Parts and Repairs
How do you disable the seat belt buzzer on a ford van?
Asked by Wiki User
Splice into the seat belt wires. + – wires. Run the wires around to your dash board. connect a 100 ohm resister to a switch as if to be parallel with the seat b
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Auto Parts and Repairs
Hand brake light always on?
Asked by Wiki User
This light serves a dual purpose on most cars. – Indicates that the handbrake has been applied – Indicates that there is a problem with the braking system The l
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Ford Windstar SE
What are the applications of buzzer?
Asked by Wiki User
Ford Windstar SE
How do you fix a windstar sliding door?
Asked by Wiki User
you have to just keep trying to open it
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